Come and join us at Haverhill CC.

This season we are running 8 teams across the club, so there is something for everyone to get involved in.

3 Saturday Men’s teams,1 Sunday Men’s team,1 Midweek Men’s team, 1 Ladies team and 2 Youth teams.

Join us at Haverhill Cricket Club on Sunday 5th May, and help us raise money for St Nicholas Hospice in memory of Louise Wallage. The Charity Cricket Match will be starting at 12pm.

This year we will be remembering Louise on what would have been her 51st Birthday.

Free entry just come along donate anything you can and have fun with family and friends.

Raffle tickets are now on sale, and just like previous years there are some great prices to be won.

Damaged nets

Please help us to reach our £15,000 target to enable us to refurbish the existing nets.

Our current nets have been excellent over the last 10 years but are now looking old and tired. They have also been hit this winter by a tree falling on them.

Having only 2 nets for the number of players we have, is not feasible for the future growth of the club or local community. We already have issues with net congestion (i.e. too many players and not enough nets) and this significantly impacts our players ability to practise and develop. This is especially an issue on Friday’s youth Training evenings.

The club has started a 2-phase ambitious project, with the intention of refurbishing the existing two-lane net at the top of the ground and then, when funds permit erecting a new 4 lane net on the waste ground, to the left of the bowling green.

As a small, community focused club we do not have the necessary funds to complete the work and as such as need your help and support in donating towards the project.

We are planning a series of events to help raise awareness and accelerate fundraising with the aim to refurb the existing nets asap, then raise further funding over the next couple of years for a new 4 lane net. This will require broad support from members, the local community and businesses, to succeed in achieving our target.

Position of current nets

How we will spend the money:

Stage 1: Our initial £15,000 target will be sufficient to enable us to refurbish the existing nets, enabling us to continue to provide a net facility for the next couple of years. However, with only two lanes available we are rapidly reaching capacity required to support the growth in our Junior/ladies section and the increased number of senior league teams we are now fielding. 

Stage 2: Our second bigger £60,000 target will be sufficient to completely change the ability of the club to provide cricket to a much greater audience. This will follow on from the outstanding ground works already completed to clear the area, which has been much overgrown and neglected for years.

With many more junior and senior members we need to upgrade to four lanes so that every player can get the net practice time they need to develop and improve.

We need to now level the ground and remove all the old roots, tree stumps and other debris which has built up over the years. Once removed, this area will then be grass seeded whilst we raise the money required for the 4 lane nets to be erected.

Waste ground

As I am sure you are aware, such a development does not come cheap and that’s where you come in! Your support in getting involved, sharing details of the initiatives with those inside and outside the club and championing the cause would be much appreciated.

At this weeks AGM Joe Woodley has been elected the new chairman of Haverhill Cricket Club.

“I’m very excited to be taking on this role. I will surround myself with like minded people who put Haverhill Cricket Club first, who care for the club and who are dedicated to improving every single facet of the club with me. We have an enormous amount of work to do but we start immediately. I will look to ensure everything we do is sustainable, there is a place at the club for everyone, regardless of age, gender, race or ability and we drive towards the 2024 season with great optimism. I look forward to your support” – Joe Woodley

On Friday 15th September 2023 Haverhill’s ladies and men’s teams celebrated the end of season. The players and their families enjoyed a sit down meal, followed by speeches by the team captains.

2023 Award Winners:

Arthur Sumpton Cup – Emma Ellis

Gundersen Shield – Liam Savage

T20 A team player of the year – Ricardo James

T20 B team player of the year – Joseph Franks

Midweek player of the year – Liam Savage

Echo award – Ben Wilkins

Women & girls

Bowler – Yasmin Ketteridge

Batter – Emma Ellis

Player – Yasmin Ketteridge

Sunday team

Bowler – Hayden Alexander

Batter – Harry Ford

Player – Dave Hammond

3rd team

Bowler – Josh Newman

Batter – Dave Hammond

Player – Simon Hird

2nd team

Bowler – Joseph Franks

Batter – Liam Savage

Player – Martin Towers

1st team

Bowler – Callum Lewis

Batter – Sam Hartshorn

Player – Ben Wilkins

Winter Nets – Let’s get practising before the season starts!

Join us every Tuesday from 21st February.

Juniors and Ladies: 6:00 – 7:30pm

Men’s: 7:30 – 9:00pm

@ Sports Barn, Samuel Ward Academy, £5 per session

Contact Simon for more information 07788 545988

On Sunday 6th November, 8 of our Haverhill Ladies headed to Bury St Edmunds to take part in Suffolk’s indoor softball tournament. Our first game was played against Nowton 2, who put Haverhill into bat first. Haverhill scored 217 and then fought hard to keep Nowton’s score down. Even after Haverhill took 5 wickets, Nowton managed to score 229 to take the win.

The second game Haverhill Ladies played Nowton 1. After being put into bat first once again, Haverhill managed to score an impressive 262 after only losing 2 wickets. It was then Nowton’s turn to bat, but with some quick fielding by Haverhill they kept Nowton to 234.

Ladies vs Family and Friends

Haverhill CC Ladies started the day off with a pairs format match against their family and friends. E. Ellis won the toss for the Ladies and put their Family and Friends into bat first.

With G. Gibson taking the first wicket of the day in the 2nd over, the day was off to a great start for the Ladies. Family and Friends pushed hard and after losing 9 wickets finished on 265 runs.

After a quick turn around, A. Jackson and L. Hopewell-Plant started the chase putting 20 runs on the scoreboard. The Ladies chased hard, and with some good-spirt help from the Family and Friends, they reached 267 runs in the final over of the game.

Paul Wallage XI vs Mick Franks XI

It was then time for the main charity match – Paul Wallage XI vs Mick Franks XI. As the ground filled with supporters, the afternoon was kicked off with Lauren Hevness bowling the first ball to dad Paul Wallage.

A. Dellar and M. Hoagley then took to the wicket and set the standard for the afternoon by both retiring on 50 runs. After a brilliant team effort, L. Hevness and D. Wallage brought the innings to a close at 30 overs setting the target at 239.

Then in went S. Street and S. Hartshorn for team Franks, scoring a boundary in the first over to get the runs ticking. Team Franks fought hard, with M. Franks showing how its done with another 50 scored. However, with some tight fielding by team Wallage and a great boundary catch by P. Wallage, Team Franks fell short finishing their innings on 235.

Thank you to everyone who supported the day. The event raised approximately £4,700 for St Nicholas Hospice in memory of Louise Wallage.